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Fetal Medicine

(Pregnancy Scan)

Dear Parents to be, Congratulations!

As you step into this wonderful journey of your pregnancy, we are obliged to support you throughout this journey as the Fetal Medicine Unit.

The fetus has achieved the status of a valuable “BEING”. The true voyage of discovery is not in seeing new lands but in seeing with new eyes. With the widespread awareness of Fetal Medicine and its practices, there has been an appreciable change in the outlook towards pregnancy and the fetus. Being tested during pregnancy by ultrasound and serum testing will allow you to be informed about the health of your baby. We at Infocus Diagnostics, provide you with quality diagnostic Prenatal Screening including Fetal MRI and Fetal Interventions. Our primary aim is to prevent the birth of an abnormal child thereby reducing the economic and mental burden to the family. This includes not only prenatal screening but also an in-depth study of genetic problems running in family or previous abnormal child and counselling. Good quality screening and information in a state-of-the-art environment is our prime focus.

  • Dating & Viability Scan
  • 11-13+6 Weeks Scan (NT scan only- No serum Biochemistry)
  • Combined test Scan (11-13+6weeks with Serum biochemistry)
  • 2nd Trimester risk assessment (16-20 weeks) Quadruple test (HCG, AFP, UE3& Inhibin-A) + Genetic Sonogram
  • Anomaly Scan (Scan only 20 -22weeks) – To assess for any fetal structural abnormalities and markers for chromosomal abnormalities, screening for preeclampsia (Uterine artery Doppler) and Preterm delivery (Cervical Length).
  • Advanced fetal echocardiography scan
  • Fetal Well Being scan (Growth, Doppler, BPP) (22-42 weeks)
  • Cervical Assessment
  • 3D/4D Sonography
  • Fetal MRI (2nd Trim/3rd Trim)
  • Fetal Neuroimaging (USG + MRI)

Invasive procedures in Maternal Fetal Medicine

Invasive procedures can be divided into two major categories:

To confirm the diagnosis that the baby inside the womb is affected by whatever the problem in question

Following is the list of diagnostic procedures done at our centre:
During amniocentesis, a small sample of amniotic fluid (fluid surrounding the fetus during the pregnancy) is obtained by transabdominal aspiration from the uterine cavity and is tested in a laboratory. Amniotic fluid contains fetal cells and tissues along with various proteins, hormones, enzymes, and substances of diagnostic value.

Timing: Done after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
Common Indications:

  • When there is a high risk for chromosomal in the fetus as indicated during routine prenatal screening.
  • There is a history of genetic disorders in previous pregnancies or the parents are known carriers of a genetic mutation.
  • For diagnosis of fetal infection.
  • Structural malformations in the fetus.
  • For drainage of excessive amniotic fluid in conditions such as polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid during pregnancy).

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
In this test, a sample of chorionic villi is taken from the placenta and is examined for anomalies.

Timing: Done after 11 weeks of pregnancy.
Common Indications:

  • If the results of the first-trimester screen show a high risk for chromosomal disorders as Down syndrome.
  • History of genetic disorders in a previous child like thalassemia, muscular dystrophies, or other syndromes related to global developmental delay and you want to rule it out in the current pregnancy or parents are carriers of a genetic mutation.
  • Structural malformations in the fetus.

Therapeutic Procedures

In this test, a sample of chorionic villi is taken from the placenta and is examined for anomalies.

  • Intrauterine transfusion in fetuses with fetalanemia
  • Fetal reduction in multiple pregnancies
  • Thoracocentesis in fetuses with fluid/Cyst in the lungs

Gallery Of Images

3D-4D Ultrasound

Fetal MRI

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