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2D Echocardiography

What is 2D Echocardiography?

Ultrasound of the heart is commonly called an “echocardiogram” or “echo” for short.

A 2D echocardiogram provides your physician with information like the functioning of your heart, diagnosing the malfunctions, if any, and planning the treatment for the developing disease.

2D Echocardiogram is done to detect the following heart conditions:

  • Any underlying heart diseases or abnormalities
  • Congenital heart diseases and blood clots or tumours
  • Malfunctioning of the heart valve
  • Abnormality of blood flow within the heart

2D Echo Procedure

During a 2D echocardiography procedure, a healthcare provider will place a small transducer on the patient’s chest. The transducer sends and receives high-frequency sound waves, which create an image of the heart utilising an advanced 2D echo machine. The images are displayed on a screen, allowing the healthcare provider to evaluate the heart’s size, shape, and function.

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